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很多事情我們當時看的時候往往被正在進行時的場面帶動情緒,導致下了錯誤的結論,事後許久才恍然大悟,曾經我們往往以為印度人的腦洞很大,阿三的行為最奇葩,可是近一個月來發生的事才知道奇葩的遠遠不止印度。 ... 現在疫情開始在全世界傳播,尤其是歐洲人因為在疫情傳播的過程中還忙於集會、示威遊行,各種聚集數萬人的演唱會、比賽如期舉行,這些不重視讓其成為了疫情流傳的重災區。印度只是個別人企圖用牛的屎尿驅趕病毒,馬來西亞只是個別人請法師用礦泉水瓶,但英國居然提出了「群體免疫」,就是大家都傳染上新冠病毒了就會形成一種群體的免疫力,這豈非是拿英國人民的生命當作兒戲,說它是拿全世界人民的生命當作兒戲也不過分,英國和歐洲不可能長期閉關鎖國,既然不閉關鎖國人口流動就會造成更大面積的感染,你們所謂的「群體免疫」什麼時候才是個頭,難道所有人病得沒有力氣抗擊疫情就好了嗎? 而最近網絡上對西方奇葩言論的智障吹捧更是神乎其技,有人甚至從醫學和公共衛生等角度闡述英國的做法是多麼的高明和科學,還把英國防疫的手段說得非常系統,英國人自己都沒張嘴,他們反倒給設計好了,面對中國網友對「群體免疫」的質疑,有些人竟然說這種質疑是對科學的傲慢。 ... 我們在探討國際形勢,對病毒學雖不懂一二,但是我們最近看到的事實就是歐洲一些國家已經開始向病毒妥協了,用一些評論文章的話說是投降了,比如關於瑞典的報導:瑞典官方12日決定停止對新冠肺炎確診病例的統計,該國也將不再對輕癥患者和疑似患者進行檢測。斯德哥爾摩的一名官員表示,已經沒有可能阻止新冠疫情在瑞典的傳播。該國公共衛生局則稱,將把有限的資源用於醫護人員、已住院患者等高危人群。 瑞典這個只有一千萬人口的小國,截止到12日共確診635個病例,其中12日當天新增135個病例,從這個數字我們可以得出三個結論,第一瑞典的形勢很不樂觀,一天增長量在總量中占據了很大的比例,第二儘管只有六百多例,但是就所占人口比例而言已經相當嚴重了,第三就具體數字而言疫情還不至於到一發不可收拾的情況。瑞典及歐洲的某些國家在歐洲的抗疫戰役中做了一個很不好的示範。 ... 長期以來,包括這次與疫情鬥爭的過程當中,歐洲國家始終在批評他國不尊重人權,但實際上歐洲在抗疫過程中表現的不積極才是對人權最大的不尊重,在損失和病人之間它們越來越傾向於前者,保證經濟不損失而不是積極抗擊疫情救更多的人。 歐洲國家很多都頂著已開發國家的頭銜,有的國家甚至是「世界上最已開發國家之一」,但說到底已開發國家更強調人均,也就是人均啥都多,總體啥都少,而抗擊疫情這種需要舉國共同努力的事情更考驗總體實力,這種打擊對於總體脆弱的歐洲國家是很要命的,一旦總體崩潰人均啥都多也就成了泡影。歐洲一些政客們開始在意損失,在意救人有多高的價值,而不是像中國一樣爭分奪秒,他們這樣做實際上是對本國民眾和中國這樣積極抗疫的國家不負責任的行為。
List of Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) 合格境外機構投資者
About ChinaQFII Company Limited 中國橋金融網有限公司
Timeline of China Financial Market
Introduction of China Stock Market
China Stock Market Analysis
Overview of QFII Scheme
QFII and Private Equity / Deals in China
Ranking: Top Favorite Sector by QFII
Ranking: Top Favorite A shares by QFII
QFII Directory and Deals Review 1 - 237
Appendix A – List of Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (QDII) 合格境內機構投資者
Appendix B – List of RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (RQFII) 人民幣合格境外投資者
Appendix C – China Companies / Organizations Visit
Appendix D – China Ping An Group Review
QFII, which stands for Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (合格境外机构投资者), has now been in existence for over 10 years. In 2002, the “Provisional Measures on Administration of Domestic Securities Investments of Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors” was promulgated by China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) and People’s Bank of China, which marked the beginning of China’s QFII program.
Since the inception of QFII, 237 financial institutions have received QFII license and US$46.4bn was given out by State Administration of Foreign Exchange (“SAFE”) as of August 2013. The approved quota contributes to around 1.5% of China stock market capitalization.
As the foreign pioneers of China’s securities market and under the guidelines set out by CSRC, QFIIs have been investing mostly in stocks and bonds. However, some QFIIs have expanded their investment portfolio into different asset classes such as private equity and venture capital, while some acquire and form joint venture with Chinese companies. An example of this kind of transaction is the investment of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, two QFII license holders, in Ping An Insurance (Group) of China in June 1994.
Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd ("Ping An") [2318.HK / 601318.CN] was established in 1988 in Shenzhen. The firm comprises three main business areas – Insurance, Investment and Banking.
• Insurance – Life, Property & Casualty, Annuity, Health
• Investment – Trust, Securities, Asset Management
• Banking – Ping An Bank (Acquired from Shenzhen Development Bank)
As the former Head of QFII Division in Ping An, I had the great pleasure to be part of this financial giant and experienced the ebbs and flows of the economic cycle with the Group. Ping An has also been prudently investing overseas from its first overseas investment in Fortis Investment in 2008. Along with its overseas investment and my role to develop QFII business, I had the opportunity to conduct roadshow in major cities across Europe, the U.S. and key cities in Asia, and to pitch Ping An’s strong capability in serving QFIIs.
Based on my experience and discussion with over 200 QFII key executives, they are not only looking for good investment opportunities within traditional asset classes in China, but also actively searching for alternative investments, for instance, private equity, venture capital, merger and acquisition, and joint venture. As far as private equity is concerned, roughly 74% of QFIIs have their in-house private equity team or become a limited partner of private equity funds. For example, OrbiMed Advisors LLC, which received a QFII license in October 2012, had invested in Beijing East Whale Imaging Technology in China in 2012. Meanwhile, some QFIIs, due to foreign restriction in establishing wholly-owned subsidiaries in China, have set up joint ventures with Chinese companies in order to expand their footprints in China. One example is the partnership between UBS and State Development Investment Corporation to establish UBS SDIC Fund Management in 2005.
Given the increasing demand of foreign institutions looking to invest in Chinese private market and a growing number of Chinese companies seeking foreign capital and partnership, I have founded “ChinaQFII Company Limited” with my partners to build up a truly unique and first platform to bridge the two sides – China and the World – hoping to facilitate private market investment and identify attractive investment opportunities.
In order to let interested readers understand the history of QFII, and what kind of investment QFII license holders have made in China, our team has prepared the first publication “China Deals Review” to uncover some of the significant transactions for each QFII licensee. Our team wholeheartedly wishes you enjoy and benefit from reading this book as much as we enjoyed writing it.
William Kwok
Chief Executive Officer
ChinaQFII Company Limited
- ISBN:9789888270101
- 叢書系列:
- 規格:軟精裝 / 268頁 / 15 x 21 x 1.6 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
- 出版地:香港
- 本書分類:> >
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